Porzucone konstrukcje Odcinek 8 (Sezon 8) - The Battle of San Pietro

Abandoned Engineering, Wielka Brytania 2020

Streszczenie odcinka

Najbardziej spektakularne przykłady porzuconych konstrukcji jakie świat widział. Seria wyjaśnia jak i dlaczego budowle zostały zbudowane, opowiada o porażkach finansowych i społecznych, które doprowadziły do takiego końca. Zobaczymy też ekspertów, którzy ze swoimi planami będą chcieli przeistoczyć ruiny w zapierającą dech w piersiach architekturę.

Czas trwania:60 min

Kategoria wiekowa:

Gatunek:Serial/Serial dokumentalny

Porzucone konstrukcje w telewizji


The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro
  • The Battle of San Pietro

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